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How to Troubleshoot Your Hyperlane Deployment

General Troubleshootingโ€‹


Logging levels and formats can be configured for Hyperlane tooling using the following two environment variables:

  • LOG_LEVEL: The log level to filter to. Defaults to info. Choices: debug | info | warn | error | off
  • LOG_FORMAT: The format of the log output. Defaults to pretty. Choices: pretty | json

The Hyperlane CLI also allows configuring logging via the --log and --verbosity flags.

Chain configurationโ€‹

Within your working directory, you may find a chains/ yaml files organized by chain name. These metadata.yaml files describe the information needed to use the chain in Hyperlane deployments and apps.

You can define a full configuration for any new chain in this file. The metadata that can be configured is defined in this example configuration. You can also find the chain metadata schema at chainMetadataTypes.ts.

Here's an example configuration for two local anvil chains:

Example: Two Local Anvil Chains
chainId: 31337
domainId: 31337
name: anvil1
protocol: ethereum
- http: http://localhost:8545
name: Ether
symbol: ETH
decimals: 18
chainId: 31338
domainId: 31338
name: anvil2
protocol: ethereum
- http: http://localhost:8555

You can also extend a core chain config by providing the fields to be overridden:

confirmations: 2

Override RPC URLsโ€‹

You can override the RPC urls by extending the core chain config.

Example: Define RPC URLs array and adjust retry settings
name: demochain
chainId: 123456
domainId: 123456
protocol: ethereum
- http:
- http:
- http:
maxRequests: 10

Override transaction settingsโ€‹

Transaction overrides are any properties to include when forming transaction requests. For example:

  • gasPrice: number | string
  • maxFeePerGas: number | string
  • maxPriorityFeePerGas: number | string
  • nonce: number | string
  • type: number
  • ccipReadEnabled: boolean

In the example below we're using a gas price of 7 gwei, hardcoding the nonce, and setting a maximum value for the base and priority fees.

gasPrice: 7000000000 # 7 gwei
maxFeePerGas: 150000000000 # 150 gwei
maxPriorityFeePerGas: 40000000000 # 40 gwei
nonce: 1337

If you are overriding the nonce in the chain configuration, ensure you are updating the value on successful transactions.

Agent Troubleshootingโ€‹

Validator Troubleshootingโ€‹

  • Validator has not announced any storage locations Warning:

    • Reason:ย This occurs when the relayer cannot retrieve validator signatures required to process a message.
    • Solution:
      • Ensure the validators have announced their storage locations. Check validator logs for a message such as: Validator has announced signature storage location, locations: ["file:///tmp/hyperlane-validator-signatures-local"]
      • Verify that each validator has a unique signature storage path (--checkpointSyncer.path) to prevent overwriting.
      • Confirm that the relayer has read access to the storage paths.
  • No ISM Found for Origin Error

    • Reason:ย This occurs when the Interchain Security Module (ISM) does not recognize the origin chain.
    • Solution:
      • Ensure the ISM configuration includes the Validators for the origin chain.
      • If it doesn't, add validators for the origin chain to your ISM.
      • Restart the relayer after updating the ISM configuration.

Relayer Troubleshootingโ€‹

  • Relayer Selecting Incorrect ISM
    • Reason:ย This error occurs when the Interchain Security Module (ISM) on your chain does not recognize the origin chain.
    • Solution:
      • Check your chain's ISM deployment configuration and verify the ISM address in the relayer configuration

Advanced Compatibility Troubleshootingโ€‹

eth_getStorageAt() Compatibilityโ€‹

Some chains do not natively support the eth_getStorageAt() API. If you're deploying on one of these chains and encounter issues, review the changes made to the Hyperlane codebase in this commit.

To deploy Hyperlane on these chains follow the steps:

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Apply the changes in the commit.
  3. Build the project from the root directory: yarn build
  4. Run the Hyperlane CLI from the root directory: yarn workspace @hyperlane-xyz/cli hyperlane